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Alvarez Artist Series ABT60 Baritone Acoustic Guitar

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ABT60 Acoustic Baritone

In terms of value, the new Artist Ì´Ì¥60 Series is probably the best guitar we have ever made. We were very careful to get the construction just right to allow this series to sing, and deliver a player experience thatÌ´Ì¥s so good; itÌ´Ì¥s probably revolutionary for a mid price instrument. Whether youÌ´Ì¥re looking for a Dreadnought, Folk or something a little more niche such as a Baritone, Grand Auditorium or Bass, Artist Series has them all.

WeÌ´Ì¥ve been making the YB1 Alvarez-Yairi Baritone for years and its popularity has remained strong, so we though weÌ´Ì¥d make a Baritone which was a little more affordable. This guitar will blow you away.

Top: Hand selected, Ì´ÌÓAÌ´Ì¥ grade, solid Sitka spruce
Back & Sides: Mahogany
Fingerboard: Rosewood
Machine heads: Premium die cast chrome
Bridge: Alvarez bi-level rosewood
Strings: DÌ´Ì¥Addario EXPÌ´Ì¥s