***Handmade djembes, made in Nigeria***
When ordering online, please make note of which drum you want to purchase. Each is colored and carved differently, so no two are the same - this way we can ensure you recieve the one you want! Photos are numbered accordingly.
1. Orange base with black swooping accents on top. This drum has a braided band around the bottom, with what appears to be trees and house like imagery. The top portion also has a patterned band with swooping/ wavy lines. Approximately 25" tall, 12" drum head.
2. Maroon colored base with black linear brush strokes around the drum. Carvings consist of trees, other plant like shapes, and huts/ buildings. Band around the top portion of the drum contains a wavy line pattern. Approximately 25" tall, 12" drum head.
3. Black base with a repetative wavy lined band around both the top and bottom haves of the drum. Bottom design also consists of organic designs (trees, leaves, plants, etc) with a checkered pattern. Red and black rope are inteertwined around the drum. Approximately 25" talll, 12" drum head.
4. Black colored base, with red, orange, green, and blue cloth wrapped around the top half of the drum. This is the only one this size with cloth around the drum as opposed to around the rope. Carvings consist of an elephant and giraffe walking through foliage (trees and leaves). Approximately 25.5" tall, 12.5" drum head.
5. Black base with carved imagery of a hippo, plant, tree, and house like shapes. There is also a band with two wavy lines around the top portion of the drum. There is no cloth around the drum head/ entwined with the rope on this drum. Approximately 22.5" tall, 12" drum head.
6. Orange base with vertical black brush strokes around the drum. The drum has a hippo with trees and house like shapes carved around it. The top band of carving consists of diamond shapes. Approximately 25" tall, 12.5" drum head.