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Dimarzio Steve Morse Model Bridge Pickup, creme

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Steve Morse Model Bridge Pickup, creme

Steve Morse has a unique approach to playing guitar, and we designed his pickups to match his technique. Steve commonly switches between pickups mid-solo — playing the neck pickup on the high notes and the bridge pickup on the lows — so both pickups must be evenly-balanced over the entire fingerboard. The Steve Morse Model™ Bridge delivers high output and a strong attack centered on the mids. It is also designed to give more definition when Steve plays harmonics.

The Steve Morse Model™ Bridge was DiMarzio's first artist signature pickup. It is almost exactly the opposite of the Neck Model. It has a lot of power and a strong upper mid-range peak which makes the low notes really pop with a hard pick attack. It has relatively low DC resistance for a high-output pickup, so the lows are very tight. They don't sound muddy even with very high gain amps.


500K Volume Pot, 500K Tone Pot, .022 uF Capacitor

Quick Connect
4 Conductor
9.94 Kohm
Year of Introduction

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